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martes, 16 de marzo de 2010

Life is difficult sometimes.

Many people do not understand how hard a teacher's life can be. Your students think you are their enemy, and they do not understand that you are there to help them, parents think that you are not right, that whatever you do is wrong, even you may think that you are not in the right place, you would sometimes prefer to be at home watching the snow falling outside, however you have to go to work. You get there and start the first class where you see that some of your students are interested in what you are talking, though others are trying to study other subject because they have an exam. You get happy because you know that for some students your work is important, and then you realize that your day is worthy. Check the following video about motivation by Heather Tiddens in Youtube.

domingo, 14 de marzo de 2010

¿Cómo te gustaría que fuese la escuela del 2018? /How would you like school in 2018?

To start with, I would like to have classes with technological tools, so students would have their own laptop, or their own digital books. I cannot forget that I would also like to have motivated students that were very interested in learning, in knowing more about the world around them. I would like happy people everywhere, thinking that we teachers are to help and not the opposite.
It may seem a dream, but I am sure that dream will come true in a future, I bet.
But what I say above does not mean that I do not like school today, I do like school today, but I would like it to change a little bit. First, I like when parents believe what you are saying and trust the way you work; I like when children ask you for help, because you are there to help them, I like when my workmates have a good sense of humour during the whole day, I like to be part of a system that I believe in. But we all know that things change with the time for better or for worse, let's think that it will be for better.

Museo Nacional del Romanticismo

Great day today. I went to see the "Museo Nacional del Romanticismo" placed in 13, San Mateo street. Probably one building with beautiful rooms to walk around. The different rooms have a purpose, we find places only for males, others which are exclusively for women, and places where both could be together. It is strange to see the social evolution that we have experienced.
We can take our students there to have an idea about the period and the literature of the time, which was quite important for future movements. If we want to use English it is not a problem since a lot of web pages talking about Romanticism are in English. It is inded a great field trip to do with your students in Bachillerato or even 4th ESO.

sábado, 13 de marzo de 2010

Our first day together

Everyday, we, teachers of English, try to find different ways of teaching, and sometimes we are lucky and others unlucky. By looking for new teaching approaches, we may find it very stressful if we do it alone, but if we do it in group, it may be easier than we have ever thought.
I would like to be part of that group by using this blog, where I will try to place several activities and ideas that normally work in my classes.
If you want to be part of this group, it will be great to get in contact and share things can help the others in the teaching of this great language, English.